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Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

Your Baby – the Scholar

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Do you know about the Future Scholar 529 plan? As a new parent, I didn’t know much of anything about babies. I was just trying to do the best I could for my newborn baby, taking care of basic needs like food, shelter, and lots of cuddling. Baby books are great at covering the basics but what they lack, I think, is the financial aspect of planning for your child’s educational future in the form of a 529 college savings account. This is one of the things I did plan for and probably the only thing I can say for certain I knew enough about to do. South Carolina has a pretty amazing 529 plan called Future Scholar and having researched most state plans myself for my own kids, this is one of the very best. 

5-2-9. Wait. What?

If you’re reading this and have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s ok. It’s not like this is covered in all the “what to expect when you’re expecting” books. A 529 plan is an investment account specifically for saving money for college. Money put into it is tax deductible on state income taxes (meaning you’ll save money on your taxes when you contribute) and any interest it earns over the life of the plan is tax-free (meaning you won’t pay taxes on what you earn) as long as you use the money for approved expenses, like college tuition. 

Every state has a 529 plan, but they all differ slightly in how they are managed and the benefits they carry. South Carolina’s plan, called Future Scholar, has been recognized as one of the best nation-wide for its low fees and its tax advantages, which are the best available for South Carolinians. 

Thank you to Future Scholars for sponsoring this article on Kidding Around.

Future Scholar baby

Do I really need a 529?

The short answer is, yes, you need a 529 for your kid. Unless you are independently wealthy or your child has a benefactor willing to pay for the huge expense of college, a 529 is an excellent choice. 

College is ridiculously expensive and literally anything you put away now will be better than having nothing later. Latest data shows that the average in-state cost per year is $20,770 and for private, $46,950. That’s a lot of money, and it’s only going to increase. 

Future Scholar has handy, yet sobering, calculators to determine how much money you’ll need to put away into your child’s 529 account per month to pay for college versus how much money it will cost you to borrow the entirety of your child’s college education in a loan. Spoiler alert: using a 529 is far less expensive than trying to take out a loan to cover the entire cost of college. 

You’re able to use the money in your 529 for two and four year public and private colleges as well as certain vocational schools. Learn more in question four you’ll find on this page

Expectant Mom with Future Scholar Baby

You can feel like a hero parent. It’s easy!

When I got pregnant, I knew I wanted to open a 529 immediately after my daughter was born but I also knew I wasn’t going to be able to put a ton of money away, which is why I wanted to open it right after her birth. It was super easy and took hardly any time and honestly, I felt like a great parent. In the midst of birthing and raising kids, I’ll take any points I can get. 

With Future Scholar, all you’ll need is your personal information plus the beneficiary’s information (your child’s personal information) plus a way to contribute money to the account either by direct deposit or check. Once you have all of that, you’ll choose the right investment plan for your account. You can enroll online or through the mail.

With my 529 accounts, I was able to easily set up direct deposit every month so I didn’t need to think about it. It works well and is one less thing I need to remember.

Building up the funds for college

The word “investment” can sound scary. It was (and still is sometimes) to me. But Future Scholar offers several different levels of investing so you can feel comfortable with the risk you want to take and happy about the possible reward of more money in the account when it comes time for college. After all, this is how you’ll be able to save, making that money work for you, all the years you are changing your kid’s diapers, shuttling them to baseball, and helping them fill out those college applications.

Investments are usually a long-term goal and while you can certainly open a 529 at any time during your child’s life, it’s a better financial decision to do it sooner rather than later. Again, the numbers on the cost of college, the rate of inflation, and the vast amount of money it will cost to obtain a college degree are daunting to say the least. But again, any amount of money in a 529 account is a great way to pay for even a small part of your child’s college education. 

And anyone can contribute to your child’s 529 account. So, for example, if you have no room (or patience) for toys in your house and the grandparents want to give a birthday gift, they could donate money to their grandchild’s 529, which can be used for future education.

Transferring funds + Non-traditional ways to use 529s

If your child ends up not going to college, funds saved up in the Future Scholar 529 are still yours, and you can use the account for other qualified educational expenses for your child, including possible expenses related to enrollment at a technical college and some trade schools. Money saved in a 529 for a child not attending college could be transferred to another child as well. 

Additionally, if over the course of 18 years, your child decides that the traditional route isn’t right for them, they’ve got options:  two-year schools, technical schools, graduate programs, and med school.

Piggy bank for college savings

Ready to start? It’s never too late!

If you’re reading this as a parent of an elementary-aged child or even a freshman in high school and feel like you’ve missed the 529 boat, you haven’t. You can still open a Future Scholar 529 account and squirrel away some money for their college education. 

And if you’re pregnant or have a new baby and want to start thinking ahead to your child’s future, opening a Future Scholar 529 is an excellent choice.  Enrollment is easy and can be done right here

Pediatric Speech Therapy that is Whole-Child focused: McCulloh Therapeutic Solutions

We celebrate woman-owned businesses at Kidding Around, especially one with a 15-year track record of success in giving children across the Greenville & Spartanburg community a voice. Can you imagine struggling to speak in a way others can respond to or enjoy food without choking? Or, the worry of a parent of a child who is slipping behind on key developmental milestones of peers and siblings? Children should have every obstacle to thriving minimized as they develop. And that’s why McCulloh Therapeutic Solutions (MTS Kids), a boutique-style approach to pediatric speech therapy, is on a mission to provide individualized whole-child speech-language support.

Thank you to McCulloh Therapeutic Solutions (MTS Kids) for sponsoring this article.


The Children’s Museum of the Upstate Offers Super Rare Discounted Tickets!

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Have you heard about the Lucky Wednesdays admission discounts at the The Children’s Museum of The Upstate (TCMU) in March 2021? The Children’s Museum of the Upstate in both Greenville and Spartanburg is making sure everyone has a lucky March by offering reduced admission to both locations every Wednesday, starting March 10th.

TCMU Reduced Admission on Lucky Wednesdays

Admission to TCMU-Greenville will cost $5 for children and $6 for adults; TCMU-Spartanburg tickets are $3 for both kids and adults.

Both locations do require advance timed-entry tickets, due to COVID. You can purchase tickets online at the TCMU website.

Lucky Wednesdays with reduced ticket admission will happen on March 10, March 17, 24, and 31, 2021. And weekdays are wonderful times to visit TCMU since the crowds are typically a lot less than on weekends.

St. Patrick’s Day Reduced Admission at TCMU with Shamrock Scavenger Hunt

On March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, TCMU Greenville location is hosting self-guided scavenger hunts. Families can search for hidden green shamrocks throughout the museum using hints provided upon entry. Every kid who completes the scavenger hunts gets a gift from TCMU.

Events Are Back at TCMU

TCMU has also started back up their in-person events, which you can view at this on the TCMU events calendar.

They have also increased their sanitization and enhanced their cleaning procedures. While children are not required to wear a mask, adults do need to wear one while at the museums.

Find out more about The Children’s Museum of the Upstate in our complete mom review. We have details about the TCMU exhibits, programing, food and more!

Ask the Expert: My Kids are Watching Way Too Much TV? What Do I Do?

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This article is the first in a new series where we ask the parenting experts at Greenville First Steps to weigh in our most pressing parenting issues. Do you have a question that you would love to get an expert opinion on? Email bethany@kiddingaroundgreenville.com.

Thank you to Greenville First Steps for sponsoring this article.

My kids are watching too much TV….and absolutely out of control. What can I do?

Dear Greenville First Steps,

Due to Covid, we are home so much more now, and life is pretty crazy and stressful. I feel like my kids are just watching too much TV, playing too much Fortnite, and absolutely out of control. What can I do?

Please help!

One Desperate Mom Who Just Needs a Break


Family Fun With Swamp Rabbits Hockey This Weekend!

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The Swamp Rabbits are back with their first weekend homestand of 2021 on January 29th through the 31st. The weekend is packed full of special events and promotions for fans to enjoy from Pucks-N-Paws Night to Stomper’s Birthday.

These games are all happening with social distancing and other Covid-19 precautions like seating in pods, pre-packaged snacks for sale and more. Find out what you can expect at the first Swamp Rabbits weekend homestand of the season and make your plans for some safer family fun.

Thank you to the Swamp Rabbits for sponsoring Kidding Around Greenville.


Achieving good sleep – for parents and children!

When her first child didn’t sleep well (waking up a “mere” 6-10 times per night), Erin dismissed it as the “normal” course of parenting. Afterall, there’s a joke that a parent only sleeps after the child’s 18th birthday (perhaps not even then).  But, when Erin’s 2nd child woke up every 45-90 minutes, the sleep debt impacted the entire family emotionally, mentally and physically. That’s when Erin Lawyer sought a solution and, eventually, began an educational journey to become a Certified Sleep Sense Consultant.

Thank you to Chasing Dreams Sleep Consulting for sponsoring this article.

Parents make many sleep sacrifices for their child(ren) without a second thought. But, when the milk ends up in the cabinet and the mail in the refrigerator or when tasks are poorly completed and time is withdrawn from another child or partner, one must say “enough.” “I recently consulted with a family whose ‘enough’ was when the Dad’s pedometer logged 3 miles during a single night waking simply walking an infant around the family home because the child would cry when put down,” shared Lawyer. Children need sleep, as do their parents. Missed developmental milestones, abnormal food intake, and behavioral concerns like crankiness are the most common expressions of poor sleep in young children.

Night waking is a normal part of sleep. Humans never truly sleep through the night. With good sleep skills we are easily able to drift back to sleep, likely not even remembering being awake in the first place. For infants that rely on sleep “props” such as a feeding, a pacifier, physical touch (patting, rubbing, etc) and/or motion (rocking, walking, etc), they will come fully awake as they transition sleep cycles, needing you to recreate whatever situation that got them to sleep in the first place. That prop might be quick to implement or could take hours. When it takes hours, there’s often a lot of frustration and tears (from baby as well as parent), all to repeat this the next time the child wakes in an hour or two, with no improvement in your child’s sleep skills.

World renowned sleep expert, Dana Obleman, founded the Sleep Sense Program that is the foundation of Chasing Dreams Sleep Consulting. Lawyer herself received the support and guidance that transformed their family’s sleep struggles into good sleep skills for health, happiness and development before continuing her journey to become a Certified Sleep Sense Consultant. By the time the Lawyer family welcomed their 3rd son, with Erin’s knowledge and her gentle guidance, he was sleeping 12 hours a night by 11 weeks of age! Some families might have a “unicorn baby” who sleeps well without intervention followed by one who doesn’t. No one is to blame for a child not sleeping well. And, solutions exist when that happens. It is never too late to help your child sleep well. Sleep is a biological necessity, not a luxury.

“Some parents worry that there are trade-offs required for a child to achieve healthy sleep habits like stopping breast feeding or forcing a child to helplessly cry. This is not necessary.” remarked Erin Lawyer. The Chasing Dreams Sleep Consulting process is gentle, can begin before welcoming a child home or after, and is safely and conveniently achieved through private one-on-one consulting by phone. Lawyer works with children of all ages. A free 15-minute telephone consultation to share a child’s situation and come up with ideas for a solution is available by appointment at 864.764.4096, by e-mail Erin@ChasingDreamsSleep.com, or scheduled online.

On February 4, 2021 between 8 am and 4 pm, Kidding Around will host a Sleep Q&A on our Facebook and Instagram accounts where parents can seek advice and share their story. Make a note to take advantage of this opportunity!

The Second Life of a Live Christmas Tree: Best Ways to Dispose of Your Christmas Tree in Upstate, SC

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Is it time to take down and toss out your Christmas Tree? That beautiful live Christmas tree your family picked out a month ago has fulfilled it’s Christmas destiny and is probably now dropping needles. So, what next? We’ve researched where you can take those once majestic trees in Greenville and Spartanburg to live-out a second purpose, instead of hauling them to the curb. 


Locally Owned Restaurants in Greenville, Spartanburg and Across Upstate South Carolina

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Each week we feature one fabulous, locally-owned, Greenville or Spartanburg, SC area restaurant on social media. Here our readers will find all of the restaurants we have featured and the restaurants that will soon be featured. Use our list to support local restaurants in Upstate, SC, and find something fabulous to eat!

For more great restaurants in Greenville, SC, don’t miss our Ultimate Guide to Restaurants Near Greenville, SC!


A Covid-Friendly Christmas: Safer Holiday Things to Do in Greenville, SC

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Wondering what you can do to celebrate the holidays this year? So much of our holiday discussion has been about what is different about the 2020 holiday season and what we are not able to do. Here’s a list of things to do and events that are happening this year and that provide various specific advantages when it comes to lowering the risk of catching or spreading Covid-19. Every option may not be a perfect for fit for your family, but we hope the variety gives everyone a something festive and fun to do this holiday season in Greenville.


Beginning to care for your child’s teeth

“Take care of your teeth and they’ll take care of you” is an adage we all learn, sometimes the hard way! But, when is it appropriate to begin dental care for a child whose teeth aren’t even permanent? Dr. Rich Constantine of Constantine Dental of Greenville recommends visits when a child begins to show teeth! Starting early establishes dental care as a familiar (dare we say, fun) experience and is a great time for parents to learn the proper care of tiny teeth at home! 
