5+ Places to Learn about Science in Greenville

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Like to learn through play? We here at KAG like to have fun but that doesn’t mean we can’t also make things educational. While you can turn most anything into a teaching moment, there are certain activities that lend themselves more naturally to that than others. Local mom Lindy puts together this list of 5 great places to learn about science, many courtesy of some homeschooling friends!

Roper Mountain Science Center

Roper Mountain Science Center– located pretty central in the Greenville area and right near both the 385 and 85, this is something you must check out. There’s a planetarium, hiking trails, butterfly garden, various classes throughout the year, and much more. Read about the benefits of a membership here.

Roper Mountain Science Center

Children’s Museum of the Upstate

The Children’s Museum of the Upstate– with a big climbing structure, tons of hands on exhibits and various special events, there’s something for everyone. The first floor features a lot of physics- how cars, airplanes, and even space ships work (many in a video game format). There’s also an exhibit on the human body including a digestive system slide! The upper level features a farm/agricultural area for young toddlers. There’s an architectural exhibit where you can play engineer. Downstairs there’s a mini water systems and canal play area. There’s a music/sound room and much more! Read this list for an idea of what you could spend a day doing at TCMU.

Visit Greenville Zoo!

The Greenville Zoo is of course also educational. With special events and classes happening depending on the season and general biology all around, you can learn quite a bit. Read all the signs, discuss why this animal happens to do this thing or that. Why are certain animals found in some places but no where else? Then play on both the playground inside the gates as well as Cleveland Park’s playground outside the entrance. Be sure to discuss the physics of movement and bodily anatomy that allows for all that running around.

Greenville Zoo

Clemson University

Clemson University’s SC Botanical Gardens with Geology Museum– we’ve previously discussed all the stuff you can do around campus. So of course for a science article, we had to include the botanical garden and geology museum. The Botanical Gardens look very fun for kids and includes a children’s garden, while the geology museum is aimed at all ages. The two are also right together so double the learning for half the effort!

Paris Mountain State Park

Paris Mountain State Park– this is a favorite hiking spot. Yet all those trails also offer a lot of hands on teaching opportunities. Each fourth Saturday there are also various classes and special events to hone your natural science skills even more. This includes lots of learning about animals, flora and fauna, as well as ecology. You can also camp, check out multiple trails and even swim! Paris Mountain also offers group hikes for reasonable fee with a ranger.

Paris Mountain State Park

A little bonus

Try a science inspired group of activities at Runway Park.

Do you have a favorite place to learn about science in Greenville?

About the Author
Lindy Wilson is a transplant to Greenville. She loves discovering her new home with her family and tends to be a bit crunchy. She enjoys cooking but not nearly as much as eating. She also likes shopping for a good deal.

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