From Ice Cream to Play: Our Day in Downtown Simpsonville

While there are tons of things to do in Simpsonville, I want to share with you a few of our favorite places in downtown Simpsonville. Let me start by telling you about a conversation I had with a grandfather and his grandson standing beside the Ice Cream Station. He and his grandson had just discovered it wasn’t open at 11 a.m. just as my son and I had. He asked me if there was anything to do nearby. I shared with him several places that were with in walking distance of the Ice Cream Station. ~Deirdre Smith, KAG Contributor

Ice Cream Station Simpsonville

My favorite things to do in downtown Simpsonville

The first thing I want to mention to you was a couple of our favorite lunch spots. We love the pizza with homemade sauce and crust at Frank & Co Pizza Cafe. The meat and three called Zamorah’s is a little more expensive, but the food is delicious. We love their mac and cheese. Henry’s Smokehouse is another favorite. Their bbq and sides are wonderful. My new friends, however weren’t really interested in having lunch before ice cream!

RELATED CONTENT: Best Icecream in Greenville | Best BBQ in Greenville

Exploring the grounds around the downtown plaza area was my second suggestion. The clock tower is really cool. There are cool trees to make fun stories about and hug. There are train tracks to walk on, when there isn’t a train coming, of course! There are fun shops like the Carolina Olive Oil just across the parking lot. We love to grab a few pieces of bread they have set out and try a new olive oil or balsamic vinegar. My son selects the flavor and I place a little of it on the bread. Both the grandfather and grandson shook their heads. This apparently didn’t sound like something they wanted to do!

Next I told them that just a little ways down the road from where we were standing is the Simpsonville Veterans Memorial. It is a great spot to remember those who have served our country and see a big stone flag. The grandfather look interested, but his grandson just wanted to find a fun spot to play.

“The best place to play is not far away from here,” I told them. The Simpsonville City Park on Curtis Street has an updated playground with a couple of different play spaces. It also has a fitness walk and a bocce court. Both the grandfather and the grandson looked excited about that suggestion.

simpsonville parks

After they walked off toward the park, I remember the labyrinth at Holy Cross Church. It was designed for prayer and reflection. I have taken my son there, just to walk, a few times. Following the labyrinth can be tricky! You really have to focus on walking it from start to finish. I guess they will have to wait for someone else to tell them about that though!

Do you have a favorite thing to do while in downtown Simpsonville?

RELATED: A Day in Travelers Rest | Review: Heritage Park

Meet Deirdre
JDaniel4’s Mom is a former teacher who loves to explore Greenville with her preschool son J. Daniel, IV by learning, laughing, listening, and living. She writes about parenting, educational activities, and children’s books on her blog JDaniel4’s Mom. You can connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter.Deirdre, JDanielsMom
About the Author
JDaniel4's Mom is a former teacher who loves to explore Greenville with her preschool son J. Daniel, IV by learning, laughing, listening, and living. She writes about parenting, educational activities, and children's books on her blog. You can connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ or Twitter.

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